Valkoinen kangas ja siveltimet
Tauluni kuvaavat tunnetiloja ja elämän kiertokulkua - ylä- ja alamäkiä. Alussa on vain tyhjä vaalea kangas, siveltimet ja maali. Usein, valkoista pohjaa katsoessani, koen lähes meditatiivisen hetken. Vaikka taulussa on tummaa sävyä, on siinä aina myös vaaleaa jonka toivon olevan pohjana kaikelle elämässä. Vaalea, johon voi upottaa kirkkaita-, haikeita-, ja synkkiä tunteita - tauluni on kuin nykyaikainen "räsymatto". Taulujen sävyt vaihtuvat valon mukaan. Osa esillä olevista tauluista on jo löytänyt uuden
My paintings depict emotional states and the cycle of life. In the beginning there is only a blank cloth, brushes and paint. Often, looking at a white background, I experience an almost meditative moment. Even though the board has a dark shade, it always has a light one that I hope will be the basis for everything in life. Light, in which you can immerse bright, longing, and gloomy emotions - my painting is like a modern "rag rug". The shades of the boards change according to the light. Some of the paintings on display have already found a new owner.
My paintings depict emotional states and the cycle of life. In the beginning there is only a blank cloth, brushes and paint. Often, looking at a white background, I experience an almost meditative moment. Even though the board has a dark shade, it always has a light one that I hope will be the basis for everything in life. Light, in which you can immerse bright, longing, and gloomy emotions - my painting is like a modern "rag rug". The shades of the boards change according to the light. Some of the paintings on display have already found a new owner.